Home Care

The Benefits of Caring for the Elderly at Home

Is a family member struggling with dementia or is your senior loved one’s health declining?   When a loved one begins to have issues with everyday living activities, the family can be at a lost of what to do or become confused about who will care for their aging loved one.  This can cause family members to feel like they do…

How to Give a Bed Bath

How to give a bed bath. When your loved one is bedridden, a bed bath will need to be given.  Giving a bed bath will keep the skin healthy and prevent infections; this is also a good time to check the skin for bed sores or any rashes. Daily baths are not recommended for those with frail skin, give a…

caregiver feeding elderly woman

How to Care for a Bedridden Senior at Home

How to care for a bedridden senior at home.  If you have a loved one at home who is bedridden, they will need assistance with their care.  When an elder is bedridden it makes it challenging for them to take care of their daily needs, like personal hygiene and eating.  In addition to assisting with their activities of daily living,…

dementia and alzheimer's care at home

Aromatherapy and Dementia

Aromatherapy and Dementia, there is a connection.  Aromatherapy isn’t just good for reducing anxiety, but it is also effective at easing certain symptoms of dementia/Alzheimer’s.    What is aromatherapy?  Aromatherapy is an ancient practice in which essential oils from plants, herbs, flowers, and trees are used to improve the mental, spiritual, and physical well-being of patients. Essential oils are used by…

home safety for seniors

How Safe is the Outside of Your Loved One’s Home?

How safe is the outside of your loved one’s home?  This is a good time of year to check the safety of outside your loved one’s house. The exterior of the home is just as important as the inside when it comes to keeping your loved one in a safe environment plus free from slips and falls.  Walking around the outside…

questions to ask a home care agency

Questions to Ask to Find the Best Home Care Agency

Questions to ask to find the best home care agency. You cannot take for granted that all home care agencies operate the same.  Meaning that they are fully screening the caregivers that they send into your loved one’s home.  Also, that they are providing quality care to your loved one.    Questions You Should Ask to Screen Home Care Agencies  Does…

Transitioning Home After Being in the Hospital

Transitioning home after being in the hospital.  The transition from the hospital to home is a critical time for seniors in how they will fully recover.  Seniors can experience complications once home from the hospital, which may end them back into the hospital.  Plus there will probably be new medications that they need to take, eating a healthy well-balanced diet…

Caregiver with senior woman in-home care

Importance of Keeping Indpendence with Senior Home Care

Importance of keeping independence with senior home care.  This is an important topic when it comes to finding home care in Mesa Arizona and the surrounding cities.  Being younger adults without the health issues, we may not realize all of the challenges that come with getting older.  A huge hurdle that seniors deal with as they age is being able…

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