Meetings are free to attend
Please follow the link for the group you are interested in to learn more and to find out the date, location, and topic of the meeting.
Dementia/Alzheimer’s This will cover all stages from the beginning stages through the late stages. Each month, a new topic will be discussed like refusing to bathe, eating, establishing routines, activities, and so much more. Each attendee will receive a binder with information to guide you through this journey. To learn more about our Dementia/Alzheimer’s Support Group and to register click here |
This group will focus on the recovery process and how to deal with changes in their body and lifestyle. We will discuss tips on how to cope, how to encourage your loved one, setting realistic goals, how to adapt to the new you, and much more. Each attendee will receive a binder with information to move through this process. To learn more about our Stroke Recovery Support Group and to register click here |
In addition, every meeting will be a new topic to provide insight on how to live and deal with the changes one may face living with this disease. Each attendee will receive a binder with information to guide you through this journey. To learn more about our Parkinson’s Support Group and to register click here |
Each meeting will focus on a different topic related to diabetes. Each attendee will receive a binder with information to guide you through each day. To learn more about our Diabetes Support Group and to register click here |