Tag: senior care mesa

Caring for a Senior with Alzheimer’s in Mesa

Did you know that Leading Edge Senior Care has a Dementia Support Group? We meet monthly in Mesa. For more details <click here> Caring for a Senior with Alzheimer’s in Mesa Caring for a senior with Alzheimer’s in Mesa is now a public health issue. Alzheimer’s disease is a progressive brain disorder that affects memory, thinking, and behavior. It is the…

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The Danger of Neuropathy in Seniors

Did you know that Leading Edge Senior Care has a Dementia Support Group? We meet monthly in Mesa. For more details <click here> Introduction The danger of neuropathy in seniors. Neuropathy is a condition where the nerves in your body don’t work properly. It can cause a number of different symptoms, including weakness, numbness, and pain. In seniors, neuropathy can be…

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Fluid Buildup & Seniors with Congestive Heart Failure

Did you know that Leading Edge Senior Care has a Dementia Support Group? We meet monthly in Mesa. For more details <click here> Fluid Buildup & Seniors with Congestive Heart Failure Fluid buildup and seniors with congestive heart failure is a serious matter. Heart failure, which is also known as congestive heart failure, happens when the heart muscle doesn’t pump blood…

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5 Tech Tips for Seniors

Did you know that Leading Edge Senior Care has a Dementia Support Group? We meet monthly in Mesa. For more details <click here> 5 Tech Tips for Seniors 5 tech tips for seniors that will keep you, your identity, and your financials safe this holiday season. Key tech tips for seniors that will help them be a little more tech-savvy.  Technology…

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Senior Care for NPH Dementia

Did you know that Leading Edge Senior Care has a Dementia Support Group? We meet monthly in Mesa. For more details <click here> Senior Care for NPH Dementia Senior care for NPH Dementia. What is it? In short, it is excess cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) buildup in the brain’s ventricles is what causes normal pressure hydrocephalus (NPH), a brain disorder that results…

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What to do if your elderly parent refuses to bathe

What to do if Your Elderly Parent Refuses to Bathe?

Did you know that Leading Edge Senior Care has a Dementia Support Group? We meet monthly in Mesa. For more details <click here> What to do if Your Elderly Parent Refuses to Bathe? What to do if your elderly parent refuses to bathe? This is not a new issue in, in-home senior care.  Whether the care is done by an agency…

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Heart Healthy and Seniors in Mesa

Mesa Senior Care Managing Heart Health

Did you know that Leading Edge Senior Care has a Dementia Support Group? We meet monthly in Mesa. For more details <click here> Mesa Senior Care Managing Heart Health Managing heart health as a senior is your top priority.  There are many signs as a senior in Mesa you need to be on the lookout for.  Years ago, doctors told seniors…

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in home senior care

Senior Care & COVID in Mesa and the Valley

Did you know that Leading Edge Senior Care has a Dementia Support Group? We meet monthly in Mesa. For more details <click here> Senior Care & COVID in Mesa and the Valley Senior Care in Mesa – COVID Update & the Delta Variant! We receive calls and messages daily asking how and what we are doing with the ever changing landscape…

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