Heart Disease

Caregiver providing in home care to client with heart failure

How to Live with Heart Failure

Doctors tell their patients with heart failure that they need to make changes with their lives.  Usually this entails changing their eating habits, remembering to take more medications, identifying changes in their bodies and reducing their stress level. This can be very overwhelming for someone dealing with an illness, not to mention the emotions that the person is going through knowing that…

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heart healthy diet

Foods to Eat for a Heart Healthy Diet

It is recommended to eat a heart healthy diet, but what types of foods are included in this type of diet?  Knowing the right type of foods to eat will make eating healthy a lot easier.  Below is a breakdown of healthy foods & foods to limit:  Fats  Fats to choose  Fats to limit  Olive oil  Canola oil  Vegetable and…

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