Did you know that Leading Edge Senior Care has a Dementia Support Group? We meet monthly in Mesa. For more details <click here>
Senior Care & The Hidden Issue of COVID

As we in the health community and those living in the COVID era, there is one area that needs our attention; isolation. Isolation for seniors has become a significant issue.

With lockdowns, it was seniors that were impacted the most. Being isolated from family, friends, or even the ability to run simple errands. Now that Arizona, Mesa, and the surrounding cities begin to open, seniors are having a hard time adapting.

You and I may have jumped right back into the swing of things socially. Seniors, their struggle with social anxiety is real. As caretakers or family members of our loved ones, we must learn to patiently integrate those affected by the COVID 19 lockdowns.


– Do not force socialization. Start slow.

– Find familiar activities your senior or loved one enjoys doing and schedule those first.

– Do NOT become frustrated with pushback if they choose not to go out right away.

– Have friends, pastors, priests, and those with influence stop by.

– Have grandchildren or the little ones encourage grandma or grandpa to join them in an outing.

– Stay masked yourself. Even if you are fully vaccinated, show support for your loved ones by making them feel secure.

Social anxiety & being locked down and isolated for 18 months are real. Be patient, be loving, but be persistent. A body in motion stays in motion. Get seniors away from the TV and all the crazy news and get them out and about! Their mental is just as important as their physical health.

How do we respond to the constant changes on COVID 19 guidance? <CLICK HERE>

Senior Care & The Hidden Issue of COVID

Depression is real and affects everyone.  COVID has shown it has a deep and serious impact on seniors in our community.  In-home senior care is one of many ways to combat depression in these ever-changing times.  The hidden issue of COVID has been depression.  Whether it’s caregivers looking for outward signs of illness or family members doing the same, we can often forget the inward issues.  In short depression. Researchers have shown a 28.5% increase in clinical depression during COVID for seniors.  See those results here – CLINICAL STUDY

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