Care Education

Grandma and grandaughter

Thanksgiving Dishes for Seniors with Diet Restrictions

Did you know that Leading Edge Senior Care has a Dementia Support Group? We meet monthly in Mesa. For more details <click here> Thanksgiving dishes for seniors with diet restrictions.  Thanksgiving is a time for family to get together.  A Thanksgiving tradition is to enjoy dinner together with some dishes being staples for the holiday.  What if a loved one has…

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dementia and alzheimer's care at home

Basic Tech Tips for Seniors

Did you know that Leading Edge Senior Care has a Dementia Support Group? We meet monthly in Mesa. For more details <click here> Basic tech tips for seniors.  Technology can be very helpful in the daily lives of seniors, but it is consistently evolving and can be a bit intimidating.  It is important to help older adults understand and stay up…

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dementia and alzheimer's care at home

What is Cognitive Training?

Did you know that Leading Edge Senior Care has a Dementia Support Group? We meet monthly in Mesa. For more details <click here> What is Cognitive Training?  This is a question that people may ask if you have never heard of Cognitive Training, also known as Brain Training.  Just how the rest of your body needs movement (exercise), so does your…

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home care companion

How Exercising Benefits Seniors

Did you know that Leading Edge Senior Care has a Dementia Support Group? We meet monthly in Mesa. For more details <click here> Being healthy is just not about what we eat, staying active helps keep you healthy in addition to a well-balanced diet.  Exercising for seniors is more than staying in shape and having strong muscles, exercising can have a…

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Foods to eat with diabetes

Diabetes: What Food Should You Eat?

Did you know that Leading Edge Senior Care has a Dementia Support Group? We meet monthly in Mesa. For more details <click here> It can be confusing and overwhelming when it comes to figuring out what you can eat when you have diabetes.  Everyone talks about what you shouldn’t eat if you have diabetes, but what foods can you eat?  Believe…

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Male caregiver assisting senior with COPD

Living With COPD

Did you know that Leading Edge Senior Care has a Dementia Support Group? We meet monthly in Mesa. For more details <click here> Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a chronic inflammatory lung disease that causes obstructed airflow from the lungs. Symptoms include breathing difficulty, cough, mucus (sputum) production and wheezing (Source: Mayo Clinic).   Our specialized caregivers are specifically trained in…

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Young woman serving dinner for elderly woman in living room

Ways to Keep Your Heart Healthy

Did you know that Leading Edge Senior Care has a Dementia Support Group? We meet monthly in Mesa. For more details <click here> As you get older, you are more at risk of having heart problems like heart disease.  Maintaining a healthy heart is important for any age, but for seniors it has to be a significant part of life. Here…

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managing diabetes

Ways to Manage Your Diabetes

Did you know that Leading Edge Senior Care has a Dementia Support Group? We meet monthly in Mesa. For more details <click here> Controlling your diabetes is an everyday challenge, which can be overwhelming.  The daily effort is worth it and you can experience the benefits immediately of having control over your diabetes.  You will feel better and have more energy…

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