Care Education

How to Give a Bed Bath

How to give a bed bath. When your loved one is bedridden, a bed bath will need to be given.  Giving a bed bath will keep the skin healthy and prevent infections; this is also a good time to check the skin for bed sores or any rashes. Daily baths are not recommended for those with frail skin, give a…

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caregiver feeding elderly woman

How to Care for a Bedridden Senior at Home

How to care for a bedridden senior at home.  If you have a loved one at home who is bedridden, they will need assistance with their care.  When an elder is bedridden it makes it challenging for them to take care of their daily needs, like personal hygiene and eating.  In addition to assisting with their activities of daily living,…

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dementia and alzheimer's care at home

Aromatherapy and Dementia

Aromatherapy and Dementia, there is a connection.  Aromatherapy isn’t just good for reducing anxiety, but it is also effective at easing certain symptoms of dementia/Alzheimer’s.    What is aromatherapy?  Aromatherapy is an ancient practice in which essential oils from plants, herbs, flowers, and trees are used to improve the mental, spiritual, and physical well-being of patients. Essential oils are used by…

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home safety for seniors

How Safe is the Outside of Your Loved One’s Home?

How safe is the outside of your loved one’s home?  This is a good time of year to check the safety of outside your loved one’s house. The exterior of the home is just as important as the inside when it comes to keeping your loved one in a safe environment plus free from slips and falls.  Walking around the outside…

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wheelchair safety tips

Wheelchair Safety Tips for Seniors

Wheelchair safety tips for seniors.  When a loved one must rely on a wheelchair for mobility, it can be difficult to get used to.  Not all wheelchairs are the same, so you need to ensure you are purchasing the right type of wheelchair for your loved one.  Below are some tips on wheelchair safety.  Wheelchair safety tips  Good fit: A wheelchair…

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Grandma and grandaughter

Thanksgiving Dishes for Seniors with Diet Restrictions

Thanksgiving dishes for seniors with diet restrictions.  Thanksgiving is a time for family to get together.  A Thanksgiving tradition is to enjoy dinner together with some dishes being staples for the holiday.  What if a loved one has heart disease, diabetes, celiac disease, or some other health issue?  This doesn’t mean that they can’t enjoy eating some of the traditional…

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dementia and alzheimer's care at home

Basic Tech Tips for Seniors

Basic tech tips for seniors.  Technology can be very helpful in the daily lives of seniors, but it is consistently evolving and can be a bit intimidating.  It is important to help older adults understand and stay up to date with all of the new technology, so they can keep up with their families.  Basic Tips to Help Seniors Be Tech Savvy:  Change…

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dementia and alzheimer's care at home

What is Cognitive Training?

What is Cognitive Training?  This is a question that people may ask if you have never heard of Cognitive Training, also known as Brain Training.  Just how the rest of your body needs movement (exercise), so does your brain.  Think of it as a brain fitness program.  Cognitive training is beneficial for seniors with Dementia or Alzheimer’s Disease. The idea…

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home care companion

How Exercising Benefits Seniors

Being healthy is just not about what we eat, staying active helps keep you healthy in addition to a well-balanced diet.  Exercising for seniors is more than staying in shape and having strong muscles, exercising can have a positive impact on your mental well-being as well. For seniors in Arizona, this is a great time of year to exercise outdoors.  …

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