Aging Care

In-Home Senior Care for Dementia

  In-home senior care can be overwhelming. Is this you?(Hit play)  Not sure where to start?  Fearing that a loved one may have an early onset of dementia?  We are here to help.  We have Arizona’s elite dementia in-home care specialists.  We understand and care for all stages of dementia.  This is custom care, not one size fits all.  Yes,…

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elderly couple

What is Sundowner’s? Senior Care

What is Sundowners Syndrome? Sundowners syndrome, or sundowning, is a state of confusion that occurs later in the afternoon and into the night. This state of confusion is most often found in patients who have dementia or Alzheimer’s disease and is comprised of a range of behaviors including increased confusion, anxiety and aggression. Sometimes people with this condition tend to…

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Remedies for Arthritis

Ways to Manage Arthritis

Arthritis is defined as a group of conditions that cause joint inflammation and pain. Many seniors battle with the effects of having arthritis.  Dealing with arthritis and the pain it brings, can cause them to struggle with their daily activities. In addition, throbbing, stiff joints can create a situation where the person stops doing things they enjoy and moving around…

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Depression and Seniors: What To Know

Depression and seniors, what you need to know.  As seniors age, their life as they once knew it changes.  Whether it is retiring from a job and now they do not have the social interaction that they are used to or losing a loved one to a medical condition, these changes can be devastating.  Especially these days, with COVID, more…

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What is Long Term Care Insurance?

What is long term care insurance and what is it used for?  When many people relate long term care insurance with nursing homes.  It is true that long term care insurance can be used to offset the cost when residing in a nursing home, but people don’t realize that it can be used for other care situations. In addition, it…

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What is Live-In Care for Seniors?

Live-in care for seniors means having a qualified, experienced caregiver at your loved one’s home at all times to care for them and ensure their safety.  This is a great option when your loved one can no longer live by themselves, but does not want to leave their home of many years.  Why Would an Elderly Loved One Need Live-In…

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The Benefits of Caring for the Elderly at Home

Is a family member struggling with dementia or is your senior loved one’s health declining?   When a loved one begins to have issues with everyday living activities, the family can be at a lost of what to do or become confused about who will care for their aging loved one.  This can cause family members to feel like they do…

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home safety for seniors

How Safe is the Outside of Your Loved One’s Home?

How safe is the outside of your loved one’s home?  This is a good time of year to check the safety of outside your loved one’s house. The exterior of the home is just as important as the inside when it comes to keeping your loved one in a safe environment plus free from slips and falls.  Walking around the outside…

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wheelchair safety tips

Wheelchair Safety Tips for Seniors

Wheelchair safety tips for seniors.  When a loved one must rely on a wheelchair for mobility, it can be difficult to get used to.  Not all wheelchairs are the same, so you need to ensure you are purchasing the right type of wheelchair for your loved one.  Below are some tips on wheelchair safety.  Wheelchair safety tips  Good fit: A wheelchair…

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questions to ask a home care agency

Questions to Ask to Find the Best Home Care Agency

Questions to ask to find the best home care agency. You cannot take for granted that all home care agencies operate the same.  Meaning that they are fully screening the caregivers that they send into your loved one’s home.  Also, that they are providing quality care to your loved one.    Questions You Should Ask to Screen Home Care Agencies  Does…

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