Aging Care

Hand Exercises for Stroke Recovery in Seniors

Hand Exercises for Stroke Recovery in Seniors Hand exercises for stroke recovery in seniors. According to research, in the first six months post-stroke, patients will see the biggest improvement in hand mobility. However, if they continue to work at it, this progress can be lifelong. All of us require both grip and pinch strength for everyday activities. Grip strength is…

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Music Therapy for Dementia

The Power of Music & Dementia

The Power of Music & Dementia The power of music and dementia for senior care is invaluable. Studies show that people suffering from Alzheimer’s disease or other types of dementia can experience emotional and behavioral benefits from listening to or singing songs. A person’s musical memory is often one of the last memories to fade because key brain areas linked…

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The Foods Senior Should Eat While Managing Diabetes

The Foods Seniors Should Eat While Managing Diabetes

The Foods that Seniors Should Eat While Managing Diabetes The Foods Seniors Should Eat While Managing Diabetes. If you have diabetes, watching what you eat is crucial. While there are no foods that are completely off-limits, it’s important to choose certain foods over others to help manage your blood sugar levels. As with anyone following a healthy lifestyle, eating plenty…

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19 Best Activities for Seniors with Dementia

19 Activities for Seniors with Dementia

19 Activities for Seniors with Dementia 19 Activities for Seniors with Dementia. It’s important to remember that those suffering from Alzheimer’s or any other form of dementia are people too–they want and need companionship and purpose just like anyone else. These invigorating, interactive activities for seniors with dementia provide enjoyable, creative, and worthwhile ways to spend time with your loved…

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The Different Types of Dementia

The Different Types of Dementia

The Different Types of Dementia There are different types of dementia, each with its own set of symptoms and causes. The most common type of dementia is Alzheimer’s disease, which typically leads to a decline in cognitive abilities and memory loss. Vascular dementia is another type of dementia that can occur after a stroke or other type of brain injury.…

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Steps in Stroke Recovery

How Senior Care Can Help with Stroke Recovery

How Senior Care Can Help with Stroke Recovery How senior care can help with stroke recovery. A stroke can be a devastating event, not just for the person who has experienced it, but also for their loved ones. If you have a parent or spouse who has recently had a stroke, you may be wondering what the best way is…

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Transitional Care for Seniors

Transitional Care for Seniors Transitional care for seniors in Arizona is something that 9,000 families a day are confronted with. Whether transitioning home from a hospital, nursing home, skilled nursing facility, or rehab that transition period is critical in a senior’s recovery. Make no mistake transitional care is vital and something you must be ready to deal with. Let me…

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Senior Care & Depression

Senior Care – Caring for What Others Don’t See!

Senior care is caring for what others don’t see.  Beyond the band-aids and bandages. Medical charts and equipment.  Senior care is driven and successful by; compassion and love. Senior Care – Caring for What Others Don’t See! COVID has revealed that many seniors today are suffering unintended consequences. COVID  has had unintended consequences for many seniors.  Isolation, depression, and poor…

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What to do if your elderly parent refuses to bathe

What to do if Your Elderly Parent Refuses to Bathe?

What to do if Your Elderly Parent Refuses to Bathe? What to do if your elderly parent refuses to bathe? This is not a new issue in, in-home senior care.  Whether the care is done by an agency or you as their personal caregiver. There are many reasons that seniors refuse to bathe, these include the beginning stage of dementia,…

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Heart Healthy and Seniors in Mesa

Mesa Senior Care Managing Heart Health

Mesa Senior Care Managing Heart Health Managing heart health as a senior is your top priority.  There are many signs as a senior in Mesa you need to be on the lookout for.  Years ago, doctors told seniors to move to Arizona because of how amazing the air quality was.  That was then, this is now.  Senior care starts with…

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