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How Common is Cellulitis in Seniors?

Cellulitis is a Serious Condition for Seniors. Cellulitis is a bacterial infection. As the years go by, your skin becomes more susceptible to contracting cellulitis through minor cuts and scrapes. The simplest action or the scratching at a body part can cause a serious issue. This infection can spread throughout your skin and deep into fat tissues just beneath it–so naturally, you want to make sure that it doesn’t get a chance to take hold inside of you!

Is Cellulitis a Serious Condition for Seniors?

But how serious is this condition for seniors? And what kind of treatments or prevention strategies are available? In this post, we’ll answer these questions so that you know exactly what steps must be taken against cellulitis in the elderly.

Symptoms of Cellulitis in Seniors

Cellulitis is a condition that can appear anywhere on your body, but more commonly affects the lower legs. Lower legs are always an area of concern. See liquid retention for senior living with congestive heart failure. As it develops over time, recognizing early indicators of its onset is crucial to prevent further damage and complications. Like any issue, early detection can solve many long-term problems. Common symptoms of cellulitis include:

  • Blisters
  • Blotchiness
  • Dimples
  • Redness
  • Spots
  • Swelling

Furthermore, if the infection starts to spread, you’ll require urgent medical attention. Make sure to consult with a doctor if the infection enlarges and you exhibit any of these symptoms:

  • Chills
  • Fever
  • Swollen lymph nodes

Causes of Cellulitis in Seniors

FACT, as you age, your skin thins and becomes drier, leaving it more vulnerable to deterioration. Bacteria that penetrates these minuscule cracks often leads to persistent cellulitis in the senior population. Common bacterial issues:

  • Abrasions
  • Bedsores(proper repositioning and shifting by a caregiver)
  • Burns
  • Cuts
  • Dry and flaky patches(skincare is key)
  • Insect bites
  • Puncture wounds
  • Shingles
  • Surgery incisions
  • Ulcers

Furthermore, seniors who have compromised immune systems are more vulnerable to infections and consequently at a heightened risk of developing cellulitis. Poor circulation is also an issue that can affect the rate of healing – conditions such as congestive heart failure, diabetes, hyperlipidemia, hypertension or cancer all contribute to insufficient blood flow which can adversely influence recovery times.

Treating Cellulitis in Seniors

If ignored, cellulitis can rapidly propagate and potentially become a life-threatening condition requiring fast medical attention. Moreover, it has the potential to harm elderly individuals’ lymphatic drainage system in an irreversible way by causing permanent swelling of the area affected. For these reasons, anyone experiencing signs of cellulitis should seek treatment promptly. Specifically, when dealing with elderly patients struggling with this skin infection there are several key approaches that must be taken into consideration such:

  • Antibiotics
  • Pain relievers when needed
  • Treating underlying conditions that cause cellulitis (Daily routines are paramount)
  • Elevating the affected area and using warm compresses
  • Seeking emergency care if you get a sudden fever and chills or swelling of the lymph nodes

Preventing Cellulitis in Seniors

Now that we’ve established the symptoms and treatment options for cellulitis in older individuals, let’s turn our attention to prevention. Here are a few tips on how to avoid this condition:

  • Cleaning and moisturizing your skin with good lotions
  • Using lukewarm water and non-irritating cleansers when bathing – be consistent
  • Keeping your fingernails and toenails trimmed to avoid scratching – simple scratches can cause huge issues
  • Keeping hydrated – sounds simple but most seniors are dehydrated
  • Wearing compression sleeves or stockings
  • Treating skin infections right away and consulting your doctor when needed
  • Regularly checking your legs, especially if you have diabetes
  • Have a caregiver put a routine in place to ensure cellulitis doesn’t become an issue due to a pre-existing condition

Senior Care goes beyond the issues that you see in front of you today. Senior care is about being proactive and understanding a complete 360 of care. How one issue, can lead to another, to another. How to prevent issues, before they ever happen. Putting off care or ignoring warning signs can lead to an extended hospital stay. All of this can be avoided with simple in-home senior care.

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